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The Presence of God
We all have experienced something significant in our lives, whether good or bad. We’ve also heard about others’ experiences or witnessed them firsthand. The experience I’m referring to is none other than the Presence of God.
Growing up in a Bible-based, Pentecostal church, I often witnessed extended praise and worship sessions. Why? Whenever the pastors sensed the Presence of the Lord, they encouraged the congregation to seek God.
I still vividly remember the words, “And right now, let’s just spend time seeking the Lord in worship.” When I heard those words, I knew what would follow—crying (though not tears of sorrow), uncontrollable laughter, speaking in tongues, and sometimes people experiencing both emotions at once. Some would even fall flat on their faces. I witnessed this countless times, to the point where I lost track. I often wondered, “What is happening?” “What are they feeling?” “What are they experiencing?”
Experiencing God’s Presence: A Personal Revelation
Years later, I finally understood what was happening to the people. As I grew older, I realized that when people cried, laughed, spoke in tongues, or experienced multiple emotions simultaneously, it was God touching them. They were in His Presence, feeling His Glory. This understanding was a profound revelation for me.
How the Pandemic Shifted Worship
However, when the pandemic struck, things changed. Churches closed, and services stopped. For four years, I hadn’t witnessed the manifestations I had once seen regularly. In 2022, I began attending church again, but so much had changed. The questions I had previously pondered weren’t at the forefront of my mind. Church became routine—a “come and go” experience. I didn’t feel much during worship; it seemed like a mere “sing-along” and “clap your hands with the music” type of activity.
Then I remembered the questions I used to ask about God’s Presence and how He touched people. I started asking myself new questions: “How can I experience that?” “How can I be in God’s Presence?” “How can I truly encounter Him?” These thoughts consumed me for days, which turned into months.
A Life-Changing Experience at Church Camp
One day, I learned that the church was hosting a three-day camp for musicians and choir members. I knew it would be a time of prayer, worship, and experiencing God’s Presence. In the months leading up to the camp, I prayed, “Lord, may Your Presence be in that camp.”
The camp was scheduled for June. I vividly remember standing at the airport, staring out the window, completely unaware of what was in store for me.
Witnessing the Presence of God Again
On the first day of camp, the pastor announced that we would spend time seeking the Lord in worship. After about thirty minutes, I witnessed everything I had seen years ago—crying, laughing, speaking in tongues. It was happening all around me. Standing in the middle of the crowd, I thought, “I’m witnessing it again after all these years.” But this time, I wasn’t focused on what others were experiencing. I longed to experience it for myself.
As I stood there, I raised my hands, closed my eyes to avoid distractions, and worshiped. The crying, laughing, and shouting grew louder around me, and I prayed, “Lord, You are touching these people. Please touch me, too.”
A few minutes later, the pastor spoke, and that’s when I experienced it. (It’s hard to put into words, but I’ll explain as best as I can.) As soon as the pastor spoke, something came over me—a love I had never experienced before. It was a love far greater than anything my parents had ever shown me. At that moment, I broke down. The desire to know Him was revealed to me, and I was overwhelmed with joy. His love was so powerful that my legs went numb, and I fell to the ground, sitting in His Presence. With tears in my eyes, I whispered, “I’ve waited my whole life for this. Pour it out, Lord.”
As time passed, the pastor announced, “For those who want to go up, you may go. For those not yet finished with the Lord, you may stay.” When I was done, my dad turned to me and said, “This is what happens when the Holy Spirit moves.” As I returned to my room, I felt blessed, filled, loved, and completely satisfied.
A Transformed Heart and a New Prayer for Others
For years, I had wondered what the presence of God feels like. That night, all my questions were answered. The emptiness I once felt was now filled. When I returned home, my perspective shifted. Church was no longer a “sing-along” routine; it became a time of genuine praise, worship, and seeking the Lord’s Presence.
Now, when I see young people in the church, a new prayer fills my heart. I pray that those who haven’t yet experienced His Presence and love will encounter Him and be touched by Him, just as I was.
Because He is real. He is alive. And He promises that when you seek Him, you will find Him.
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About the Author:
YES is a 14-year-old anointed musician and leader, passionate about serving God and His church. He is dedicated to sharing his faith and inspiring others to seek God’s Presence.